My Services
Ali Glaser Executive Performance is here to help you optimize your skills, confidence, relationships and growth opportunities. At home and/or at work, I want you to feel engaged, energized, and confident. I want to help you be All In!
Download a summary of my services and background here.
Download a summary of my services and background here.
A supportive, direct, action-oriented, and inquisitive coach, I will work with you one-on-one through multiple sessions over 6-12 months. You will deepen your self-awareness, optimize your skills, confidence, relationships, and growth opportunities.
My one-to-one coaching services start with a complimentary strategy session. We will design a coaching action plan based on your personal goals. While every coaching engagement is customized to meet your needs, I will coach you to be All In! through discussion, inquiry and discovery of:
- What goals do you want to achieve?
- What skills do you wish to develop?
- What challenges are you facing and how to break through them?
- What self-care strategies can you employ to feel whole, balanced, energized and optimal?
- What relationships in your personal or professional life are challenging and how can you strengthen them?
- What holds you back from being All In!?
My coaching methodology is rooted in the tools and distinctions of The Center for Executive Coaching, as well as the Co-Active Coaching model and is complimented by my expertise in human behavior and extensive training in Enneagram Personality Types and Positive Intelligence (PQ).
Click here to set up a complimentary strategy session.
A passionate and dynamic trainer, I deliver engaging leadership development workshops to optimize the skills, confidence, relationships, and growth opportunities among your team. I work with emerging leaders, mid-level and C-suite executives in organizations to provide team training that will build your skills, strengthen your team cohesion, and enhance your organizational culture. I customize my workshops to meet your specific individual, team and organizational needs. Topics may include:
A strategic thinker and skilled at process improvement, I will consult with you as an organizational leader to determine strategies that will optimize your organization’s growth opportunities. I will provide sound, objective guidance that will support you and your leadership team in identifying and achieving your organizational vision and goals, enhancing organizational culture, and managing change.
In addition to working with you one-to-one, I design and facilitate leadership retreats, off-site meetings, team-building workshops, and strategic planning sessions for your teams. Together, we will work toward creating an organization full of individuals who are All In!
Click here to schedule time to discuss your consulting needs.